Shoppe Ramblings
March 7, 2016 One of the best parts of stained glass is designing and making a new piece. In an effort to turn March into spring, I decided to work on a calla lily panel. First I spent several hours creating the design. I use pencil, paper and often a ruler or two and of course an eraser. I also like to colour in the pattern to get an idea of the finished project.

Making a Calla Lily Panel

December 23, 2015 

Our shop will be open on Christmas Eve until 3:00pm, then closing for a holiday break. If we can help you before we reopen in 2016, please call or email for an appointment.
Thanks for the support in 2015 and we hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

November 23, 2015 

Our Christmas Open House is December 4th and 5th as part of Countryside Christmas in the New Germany Area.

September 18, 2015

The last weekend of summer!
Soon the trees will be displaying their beautiful autumn colours.
It has been a busy summer in the shoppe, a few lazy days when it was too hot, but lots of visitors.  Pakistan was home to our visitors from the farthest away, but even today we welcomed a couple from California.
Autumn is often the nicest time in our area, a great time to get out and check the sights.

April 6, 2015

Will April showers bring mayflowers this year in New Germany?
We are just hoping that April showers will clear away all our snow.  
If you can't find any mayflowers in the woods, we do have some in the shop.

January 29, 2015

The inventory is counted and the bookkeeping for last year is almost complete.
And the Valentine's display is in the window.
2015 has really begun in the shoppe!

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